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Я: 70-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Лев Лев
нахожусь: Melissa, Техас, США
ищу: 56 - 72-летнего мужчину
дети: Нет
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sigridrose has visited 6 places.
Frisco, TX @ Azeala Drive, Savannah Texas (Going for my degree in Marine Biology, Planning to move to Hawaii) 2009-09-10
At the moment, studying for a bachlor degree in Biology, which has been my passion for a lifetime. Have an honor grade point average, have a five year old adopted son, love life, love to laugh, am a hopeless romantic, love to have laugher in my life, treat my man like a king, and am loyal to a fault. Would like to move back to an ocean. The plan is to move to Hawaii and recieve my master degree. However, if that is not in the picture - oh well. I am an easy going woman that knows was a truch driver, race car driver, auto mechanic, dancer, model, mother, financial advisor, owned a coporation, and many other things. I know who I am do not play games, genuine and love to tell the truth. If you can take such a woman here I am. I truly love life. I truly love laughter and do not believe in arguments. I hate shopping and dress with the money that I have. I can be beautiful depending on how much money I have also. Men sometimes do not realize how much it costs to keep up to be beautiful. I am told my heart is made of gold. My smile will tell you. My son is well behaved and is a sweety, he was born a premee at 2 lbs 1o oz and is fine without any problems. If you have read all of this so far, you should know me prety well. My favoriate flower is an orchid, perfume Grace, color blue. I am femine when I want to be and independent when the need arises. Peace to all and goodwill to all. I love from the deepest part of my heart. And by the way ALL my hormones WORK very well also!!! However, remember I am a lady.
Даллас, TX @ Owned and operated International Business 1984-08-06
Worked and traveled all around the United States, Europe, and Mexico. Owned and operated several businesses. First International Robotic Automated Glass Machines for the Insulated Glass Industry. Then later a Stained Glass Artist for 20 years. Had business for Stained Glass Industry. Presently, a student for Marine Biology. Also, worked for investment firm became an Investment officer and Finance Officer.
Amstetten, Австрия @ Wallsee, Amstetten (Education / Work) 1979-04-01
The love of the mountains I will retain in my heart forever. The beauty of Austria will stay in my heart for a lifetime.
Dana Point, CA @ Big Sur Street (Father Purchased House) 1967-08-08
There went to San Clemete High, had a tragic motorcycle accident, was married very young and moved to PA. After that had two children. Moved to Austria and worked and traveled all around Europe for at least three years.
Харлем, Нидерланды @ was in refugee camps for some time 1957-04-15
After parents came to collect us children - grandmother lived in Rotterdam, we moved to Einhoven. To Belgium, an to France and back to Netherlands.
Бандунг, Индонезия (Born) 1954-08-03
Was born to noble parents. When the Indonesian cival unrest became an issue fled to the Netherlands to refugee camps.

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