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Я: 57-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Овен Овен
нахожусь: Lakeland, Флорида, США
ищу: 27 - 77-летнего мужчину
для: Длительные отношения
Совместный досуг
Партнер для путешествий
Compatibility and synergy to build foundation for a healthy relationship upon
раса: Европеоидная
семья: В разводе
дети: 1
цвет глаз: Карий
цвет волос: Светло-коричневый
телосложение: Среднее
рост: 5' 3'' (160см)
религия: Христианство
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Не курю
пища: Расскажу позже
род занятий: Медицина и здравоохранение
образование: Закончил колледж
языки: Английский (Родной)
Немецкий (Немного)
Испанский (Немного)
интересы: Искусство, Автомобили, Литература, Альпинизм, Фильмы, Музеи, Природа, Музыка нью-эйдж, Ночные клубы, Поп музыка, Игры с ракеткой, Чтение, Благотворительность, Религия, Шопинг, Пение, Купание, Театр, Путешествия, Прогулки, Водные виды спорта, Зимние виды спорта, Этническая музыка, Классическая музыка, Йога, Компьютеры, Кулинария, Танцевальная музыка, Танцы, Еда, Джаз
History, Philosophy, Particle Physics, Quantum Physics, String Theory, The Cosmos, Time Travel, Genetics, Forensics, Anatomy and Physiology, The Innocence Project, Humanitarian Projects, Animal Advocacy, Genealogy, etc

Общая информация:
Hello! I'm Victoria. I'm simply a down to Earth person, living in Central Florida in the USA, where I am from by birth. I'm hoping to meet the one person who is synergistically compatible with me. As such, I have taken my search to this format as well. I lived abroad previously in years past, and absolutely adore Europe, and other countries, people everywhere and all different cultures. I traveled extensively when living abroad, and enjoyed my introductions to so very many new cultures of people and their ways of life! I'm a humanitarian and an animal rights advocate, as well as being an environmentalist who supports many vital initiatives. I'm a healthcare professional by education. I'm also a genealogist, and volunteer to assist with projects as much as possible. I feel it's better to leave a few details for later communications when getting to know one another, so I will not write in depth further herein. I am happy to communicate while in my business of bioduramed, which is found in google mail. Feel welcome to contact me with questions about myself, which you may be interested in having me answer to help you get to know me.

5'3" Femme Please, See My Photo for Your Own Opinion. ThankYou!

A synergistically compatible significant other. I'm on a very serious quest to find a compatible life partner, who above all areas of compatibility, approaches his every thought, action and reaction from his heart first, and not only from his reactive mind always. An honest, kind, genuinely good natured soul.

wiselafemme has visited 7 places.
Nassau, Багамские Острова @ Freeport,and various other cities (Cruise to vacation within various cities in the Bahamas) 1993-07-15
Island life is very low-key,laid-back and relaxing.It's very beautiful to visit and have a lovely vacation within especially if you need to relax and escape the busy modern day fast-paced life from within your native homeland.
Париж, Франция @ Paris highlights,The Eiffel Tower,The Louvre,Notre Dame and many of the architecturally beautiful re (Travel abroad) 1991-04-12
My absolute favorite city to immerse myself within to explore.I love this country's topography,it's culture,the architecture,and landmark tourist locales such as the Palace of Versailles,The Louvre,etc.
Прага, Чехия @ Visited various locales throughout the country from Prague to Karlovyvary and various other cities (Travel abroad) 1990-06-05
Traveled extensively throughout the countries located nearby Germany ,while living abroad, and having the incredible opportunity to visit such beautiful places so close in proximity.Since having both an International License and a German Driver License,I was able to drive to so many places while living abroad and have the travel dreams of a lifetime realized.
Цюрих, Швейцария @ Various locales throughout the country (Travel while living abroad) 1989-08-05
Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful country.
Innsbruck, Австрия @ Traveled throughout the country while living abroad 1989-07-01
Absolutely beautiful country
Лондон, Великобритания (Travel abroad) 1989-01-01
Beautiful country and lovely people
Ансбах, Германия @ Ansbach,Lichtenau,Nurnberg,Berlin,etc./Various other locales all around Germany throughout my years 1988-12-27

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