My homestudio Playing bowling Old look of me Playing music at party dutchradio 2 Me as DJ in younger years :-)  () My new outlook since june Domtower (112meters high) in my hometown One of my favorite (greek) restaurant at the warf besides the canal in Utrecht On holiday in Ioannina, Greece Newsreporter for the programm 'Man Bijt Hond'. Me yeeaars ago () Me playing music on a streetparty
My homestudio
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просмотрели за месяц: 9
добавили в избранные: 13

Я: 70-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Телец Телец
нахожусь: Утрехт, Нидерланды
ищу: 32 - 51-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
Платоническая любовь
Друзья по переписке
Совместный досуг
раса: Европеоидная
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Коричневый
цвет волос: Тёмно-коричневый
телосложение: Среднее
рост: 5' 7'' (170см)
религия: Христианство / Католик
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Курю иногда
пища: Не вегетарианец
род занятий: Свободный художник/Артист
Sound Engenier Dutch Radio, electrician
образование: Оконченное среднее
языки: Голландский (Родной)
Английский (Разговорный и письменный)
Греческий (Немного)
интересы: Альтернативная музыка, Благотворительность, Музеи, Музыка нью-эйдж, Поп музыка, Рок музыка, Мореплавание, Шопинг, Пение, Путешествия, Этническая музыка, Компьютеры, Бильярд, Танцы, Еда, Футбол, Джаз, Латиноамериканская музыка, Литература
Board/cardgames, cosy house and family, having a webcam for special happenings, also German language (Spoken and Written), Σταυρόλεξο, Τάβλι

Общая информация:
I like making Radio (that's why my name is wimradio) and a great musiclover (music from the 50-ties till 90-ties). Also I like Greece (food, people and the music), going on holiydays to Greece. Μου αρεσει ελληνικη μουσικη παρα πολυ. I have a technical backgroud. Live in Holland. I'm a easy going person. I've I rate you with a seven or more then read carafully futher and priviledged members can write an instant message to me if they want, i will answer your questions with pleasure

I have a normal posture (1,71 m high) and 72 kg heavy. I'm open and honest to my friends and family around me. Clothing style casual.

Looking for a honest and open woman, that can give me love and understanding. That woman gets a lot of love and understanding back from me, who has a warm hart. Friends around me knows me as a very kind person, who never hurts his (girl)friends. I'm a great musiclover and love to go to Greece with holidays. Also I like to give hot attention to my lady for good sex, because good and loveble sex is very important in a relationship, so I want a girlfriend and lover same time. I have a 5 room's and 2 gardens house, but now it's cold and empty without a nice lady, who will share the house with me. You're welcome. ;-) Did you received a Virtual kiss from me.... so be naughty and find me moctodliamgtaoidarmelliw, maybe i'm in Greece. By the way i have skype too find me there as willemradio, look there also. Did i see you there (also have a cam and a mic) ??? Big warm hug and a lot of kisses. p.s. No pictures and no information on your profile you get no respons from me.

wimradio2 has visited 17 places.
Brugge, Бельгия @ at friends house 2013-11-22
Celibrate first brthday from their boy child
Brugge, Бельгия @ At friends house 2011-12-16
to be at wedding from friends
Edessa, Греция @ at friends parents home (travel to argangelos) 2000-10-16
to friends parents
Levkás, Греция (Vacation / Travel) 2000-10-13
Ioánnina, Греция (travel holidays) 2000-10-08
Афины, Греция (travel holidays) 2000-10-06
Ioánnina, Греция @ Galaxihotel (vacation travel) 1999-10-08
This love this city very much
Афины, Греция (travel holidays) 1999-10-07
Салоники, Греция @ Hotel Rex (Holiday) 1999-10-06
Nice city
Афины, Греция @ Ermou 66 (Vacation travel) 1994-10-02
I love Athens very much
Брюссель, Бельгия (Vacation) 1983-08-18
Антверпен, Бельгия (travel) 1983-08-11
sightseeing to groenmarkt and drink beers in nice bars
Luxembourg, Люксенбург (vacation tarvel) 1983-08-06
Париж, Франция (travel vacation) 1983-07-07
Кёльн, Германия @ Lowenbrau hotel (Work (soundengenier) at Tanzbrunnen) 1980-08-11
Лондон, Великобритания (Buying vinyl records for my discotheque/radio studio) 1977-07-12
Женева, Швейцария @ Hotel Mattmarkblick im Saas All Magel (Vacation / Travel) 1971-07-12

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