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Я: 49-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Телец Телец
нахожусь: Muskegon, Мичиган, США
ищу: 41 - 96-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
раса: Европеоидная
семья: Вдова
дети: 1
цвет глаз: Серый
цвет волос: Расскажу позже
телосложение: Среднее
рост: 5' 11'' (180см)
религия: Христианство / Католик
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Не курю
пища: Расскажу позже
род занятий: Государственный служащий
образование: Неоконченное высшее
языки: Английский (Родной)
интересы: Искусство, Атлетика, Йога, Баскетбол, Кулинария, Рыбалка, Еда, Гольф, Шопинг, Купание, Путешествия

Общая информация:
As for myself, I am a devoted man who doesn't play games. Once I give my heart away it's yours forever. I may be shy at times, but that is my nature and my guard up. I am very independent, caring, compassionate, loving and I don't take nobody's bullshit! If you want to be with me, then be true and faithful. I've been through too much in my life to have my heart broken again! I may be asking a lot, but in the end you'll end up with a good man by your side!

Accepting someone else's child is important also. It's a huge factor in this whole dating thing. Most of us out their looking for love again have children. I love kids! I have worked with kids of all ages all my life.

I'm looking for a woman that really wants to spend quality time with me, someone who shares the same goals in life and knows when to be serious but likes to have fun. Someone who won't mind just sitting around at home or going out once in a while. I want someone I can share a real meal with, someone to cuddle with and wake up to. Someone who respects me and my opinions even if she doesn't agree with me. Someone to support me through the bad times as well as the good times. I want someone that is easy going and down to earth. I want someone who knows how to give me attention, when I need it. Communication and honesty is very important. Someone who I can trust, devoting yourself to that one person. Someone who knows how to treat me right, accepting and understanding.

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