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Я: 62-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Рак Рак
нахожусь: Никосия, Кипр
ищу: 42 - 52-летнюю женщину
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pangibson has visited 21 places.
Karpenísi, Греция @ Thasos Hotel (Holidays) 2007-07-04
Thasos is a colorfull island i was living in bungalos near the see and full of pine trees. It was relaxing with wine Lobster and Good Breakfast. Up on the mountains you can eat wild boar and Retsina.
Салоники, Греция @ Makedonia Palace (Holidays) 2006-12-20
Lefkos Pyrgos nice food at Ladadika and rempetiko
Lausanne, Швейцария @ Friend House (Holidays) 2005-10-04
Very quiet city everything is in order. Olympic museum
Берлин, Германия @ Art Hotel (Work) 2004-11-04
I visit again Berlin in but in year is something different. A lot of cement but the beaty is there.
Zákinthos, Греция @ Louis Hotel (Travel - Holidays) 2004-08-17
Nice Hotel with see side, my veranda was touching by the see. With a small boat half an hour there is a small island (Marathonisi)with magic caves full of blue light.If you rent a car its very nice to visit the west side of the island and then with a small boat (kaiki) you can visit the shipwreck and you can dive in deep waters
Лондон, Великобритания @ Youth Hostel (Studies) 1998-09-09
London Bridge, Museums, Theaters, Concerts, Undergrounds, Football - Spurs, Beers, festivals, All kind of Kitchen, Castles,Cinemas, shopping.
Берлин, Германия @ Friends House in East Berlin (Holidays) 1997-02-21
Deutschland Deutschland uber alles. The whole city is a Cultural place. I saw a concert by John Cale (Velvet Underground) I ate a lot of Bratwurst mit Senf, a lot of Stalin statue and antigues on the street markets . Every club is a cultural centre.I visit also Bergamon Museum
Sámos, Греция @ Rent a House (Travel - Holidays) 1996-07-14
Nice deserted beaches, cool water, trees on the seeside, fresh fish (Astacomakaronades), and a lot of Oyzo.
Sámos, Греция @ Ikaria & Fournoi Island (Holidays) 1995-07-14
Relax Relax Relax - No noise the people are slow motion there is no time. Nice and fresh fish salats. the PEOPLE ARE VERY FRIENLY and the see nice and cool.
Венеция, Италия @ School mate house (Travel) 1989-03-06
The Canals and gondola the spirit of the water is wonderfull. Nice restaurants but very expensive so we usually eat at Paolo mother. Home made. delicious
Рим, Италия @ Schoolmate house (travel) 1988-04-09
There are no words to describe that city A Historical place for lovers and not only, a dream city. Macaroni with garlic and olive oil and PIZZA with mozarella.
Париж, Франция @ Collegues house (travel) 1987-02-24
"Give Paris one more chance" Jonathan Richman sings Its a Magical place full of light, energy, museums,the whole town is a cultural place, Divine restaurants, champanes - cheese. In the end Love dwell in Paris
Афины, Греция @ Friends house (Travel) 1986-12-20
A town full of energy, history, good restaurants,(souvlaki) friendly people, good theaters (if you know the Language), concert places.
Будапешт, Венгрия @ Hungarian House (Travel) 1986-09-06
Beautiful town with canals, bridges good value for money in (Restaurants)with musicians violinist playing above us all night and very friendly people. All day transportation
Цюрих, Швейцария @ Hause (Holidays) 1985-10-03
Switzerland had the same color as austria.
Амстердам, Нидерланды @ Der Angel Hotel (Travel) 1985-06-13
Vincent VanGogh museum, Risk museum,red light district, the canals, i saw a concert in Paradiso and another club which i dont remember the name it was near the engelsricht platz. the Flower market, coffee shops, pip shows, Brilliant and you can do all kind of holidays in Amsterdam.
Лондон, Великобритания @ Friends House (Holidays) 1984-09-09
Дюссельдорф, Германия @ Darmstadt (Visiting a friend) 1984-07-16
Concert 2 days with a lot of Bands One of the Band was Pink Floyd
Мюнхен, Германия @ Friends house (Travel - Holidays) 1984-03-14
Olympic stadium and Mariahilfe strasse and Bering for local beers and schnitzel.
Вена, Австрия @ Novotel Hotel (travel) 1983-12-20
The bands and the people passing by near the in Stephansdom Kathedral
Salzburg, Австрия (studies) 1983-09-16
Exhelent town with a lot of history

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