Me in a shoppingcnter 31.7.13 Taken with my new pc 18.11.13 photo_3 Me in sept Me 1.2.24 Egypt, nov. From Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, nov. Sharm El Sheik before we go home to Norway Egypt, Egypt, nov. Me, 11.1. Me in Arendal 27.7.13
Me in a shoppingcnter 31.7.13
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(Был на сайте 3 месяца назад)

просмотрели за месяц: 3
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Я: 58-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Рак Рак
нахожусь: Arendal, Норвегия
ищу: 25 - 50-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
Платоническая любовь
Друзья по переписке
Совместный досуг
Партнер для путешествий
раса: Европеоидная
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Расскажу позже
цвет волос: Чёрный
телосложение: Несколько лишних кг.
рост: 5' 10'' (178см)
религия: Расскажу позже
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Не курю
пища: Расскажу позже
род занятий: Пенсионер(-ка)
образование: Неоконченное среднее
языки: Норвежский (Свободно)
интересы: Альтернативная музыка, Искусство, Классическая музыка, Компьютеры, Кантри музыка, Бильярд, Велоспорт, Танцевальная музыка, Танцы, Рыбалка, Еда, Футбол, Астрология, Гольф, Спортзал, Джаз, Латиноамериканская музыка, Литература, Боевые искусства, Мотогонки, Альпинизм, Фильмы, Музеи, Атлетика, Природа, Ночные клубы, Политика, Поп музыка, Игры с ракеткой, Рэр музыка, Чтение, Рок музыка, Мореплавание, Шопинг, Бейсбол, Купание, Театр, Путешествия, Прогулки, Водные виды спорта, Зимние виды спорта, Этническая музыка, Баскетбол, Бокс, Кемпинг, Автомобили, Благотворительность

Общая информация:
Im Sigurd S. from North Europe who was born july 66 and I have short dark hair with some grey too (Im not a young man anymore, hehe). Several years ago I really enjoyed going out to a restaurant or pub to meet other people or just have one or more beers out, maybe some wine and drinks too, but that has become less so in recent years. I used to enjoy working out a lot, but now it's mostly walks outside (almost) every day and at least 6, 000 steps, but it can also be over 25-30, 000 steps. I also love watching movies on TV or going to the cinema every now and then. I also like to read some news online every day. I love animals, especially cats and dogs but I dont have any now. I was living in Oslo from 94- and I was working as buss-driver the last few years there, and before that I just have some few short works as truck-driver, both in Norway and Europe. But I dont work for the moment, (not since ) because I have some pain in my shoulder so I received disability benefits in oct. 23.

Would write more later.

I have been alone many years now, and thought that it is time for me to find a lifepartne/ wife, to have my own family. I have many "girl friends" but that is just "good friends" and I want some more seriously. Im not interested in people who smoke or who have to drink every day, but a woman who thinks a little about her health and maybe exercises a little now and then by going for walks outside. Im looking for a nice and honest woman who is looking for a kind, honest man. Age meens not so very much, so long the chemistry is there, (i dont wont much older than me, but younger doesnt matter). But Im a bit picky about how you look. I dont like VEERRRY BIIIIIGGG (fat) girls, but if you are a little chubby, I dont care, (I like to have something to tuch, hehehehe). Just normal height and weight. I dont answer women over 59. Hoping to hear from a nice and down to earth woman out there.

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