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Я: 50-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Скорпион Скорпион
нахожусь: Woodside, Нью-Йорк, США
ищу: 28 - 48-летнюю женщину
дети: Нет
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ascari15 has visited 15 places.
Торонто, Канада (chilling) 2008-12-30
i've been to TO a few times. i never fail to run at High Park whenever i'm there. and a full body massage in chinatown (man, is it ever cheap!). i'd like to check out the bar scene one of these days.
Флоренция, Италия @ Friend's house in Grosseto (Christmas visit/ rock climbing) 2008-12-24
Tuscany was freezing! Food was great. Sights would be better in summer. Rained the whole time I was there. Women are gorgeous.
Париж, Франция (chill out) 2008-12-21
Paris was freezing. Eiffel Tower was blue and garish. food was all right. I'll go back.
Монреаль, Канада @ downtown (tired of the States...) 2008-08-18
it's like Europe...only cheaper and friendlier.
Monterey, CA @ desert, valley, near forest fires (work-related, lots of freetime) 2008-06-09
man it was hot in the daytime! and forest fires everywhere
Варшава, Польша (vacation. yes, you heard me.) 2007-11-11
coooold. big servings of meat. pork is god over there. loved it!
Лондон, Великобритания @ South London (Visit friends, see the ravens) 2007-11-02
expensive as hell...
Барселона, Испания @ just outside the city (went there to see about a senorita...si, mi corazon...) 2006-08-15
great food, great beach, siesta, fuet, best-looking women in Europe...
Франкфурт-на-Майне, Германия @ Sachsenhaussen? (Work/ pleasure) 2005-09-18
red light district was a letdown. i'd rather see german women in their fashionable clothes. oh, and beer was the best in the world.
Сеул, Южная Корея @ near downtown (just bumming around) 2005-07-20
spicy food, great, friendly people. funnier than the japanese.
Токио, Япония @ some tiny hotel (chilling out) 2004-09-04
very expensive, very clean, very organized, very ethnically pure...
Сан-Франциско, CA @ up the hill somewhere (chowder) 2002-06-25
very nice marina...hard to run on...trolleys
Манила, Филиппины @ Makati, with friends (visiting friends) 2002-04-19
hot, humid, dirty, grimy, cheap food, smiling people, corrupt cops, crappy movies... jeepneys.
Ванкувер, Канада @ downtown (chilling with ex) 2001-02-10
one of the best cities on the planet, friendly people, very cosmopolitan, cheaper then, foggy, great views...
Bozeman, MT @ by the river, near a tree (flyfishing) 2000-05-23
few fish, great memories...freezing at night.

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