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Я: 53-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Дева Дева
нахожусь: Riverbank, Калифорния, США
ищу: 32 - 42-летнюю женщину
дети: Нет
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alcrouch has visited 12 places.
Ченнаи, Индия 2009-03-22
This country is like no other I have been to.. More people than I could of ever imagined... Living as a vegetarian for a week was interesting :) I saw Santhome Church where St. Thomas' tomb is. I also went to the coast as saw the temples at Mahabalipuram .. I will be back in India in July or August, looking forward to seeing more of this place.
Амстердам, Нидерланды 2009-03-19
Finished work early, got to spend three days in Amsterdam, went to the Van Gogh Museum, did some boat tours, plenty of drinking at the clubs with coworkers from our Amsterdam office.. Good times.
Роттердам, Нидерланды (Work...) 2009-03-14
Interesting to return here after ten plus years.. The city is busy as ever. I walked for miles and miles and lost track of all the bicyclists I saw.. :)
Cusco, Перу (Getting ready to hike the Inca Trail...) 2005-09-06
Cusco is a small town you use as a stop on your way to Machu Picchu.. I got altitude sickness after I came down from Machu Picchu to Cusco.. Even though I got ill, I was still in awe of what an amazing place Machu Picchu was. I want to see more places like this in the near future. The people were great, but be careful not to give change to the children, you will be surrounded buy a dozen or more asking for money.. :) You have been warned... LOL
Лима, Перу (Fun....) 2005-09-03
Went to Lima, checked out some of the historical sites for a few days, went to some clubs and learned some latin dances.. WOo Hoo.. Great place to visit, wonderful people, very friendly.
Kowloon City, Гонконг (Work) 1998-02-21
Setting up computers :) Again.. LOL... Interesting city, LOTS of people.. Good times with coworkers after work. Next time I am in Hong Kong I will venture in to Macau.
Сингапур, Сингапур (Work) 1998-02-15
Setting up more computers.. I did a lot of this in the 90's... This place was hot and humid 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It was a very clean city, the people were friendly and I had a lot of fun while I was there. Especially breaking the law to chew bubble gum.. :)
Bridgetown, Барбадос (went for work and play) 1998-01-23
Beautiful place, went horseback riding on the beach, had many kinds of drinks made with rum while relaxing on the beach after work... Can work get any better than this?? I doubt it. Good times..
Мюнхен, Германия (Work.,.) 1996-06-20
Setting up more computers, had some fun, beer gardens are great. :) The people were much friendlier than I had been told. I drove to Salzburg on the Autobahn in my rented Audi, that was GREAT! The countryside is beautiful. I really want to return to Germany to see the Rhine River Valley and perhaps go to Berlin and East Germany as well.
Саутгемптон, Великобритания (Work....) 1996-06-04
Setup computers for work.. But got to see some sites, the shipyard in Portsmouth and a lot of pubs..
Амстердам, Нидерланды (Work... But you gotta play when in Amsterdam too :)) 1996-03-16
Great city to walk around in, lots of shops and museums, friendly people everywhere. Will be returning to Amsterdam soon, ironically enough right around the same time of year in ...
Лондон, Великобритания (work and play) 1996-03-06
Great city.. The historical sites were great, the people were fun to hang out with, the discos were incredible. Will visit again some day.

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