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просмотрели за месяц: 7
добавили в избранные: 5

Я: 46-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Весы Весы
нахожусь: Дюссельдорф, Германия
ищу: 37 - 57-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
раса: Африканец
семья: Расстались
дети: 2
цвет глаз: Чёрный
цвет волос: Чёрный
телосложение: Среднее
рост: 6' 1'' (185см)
религия: Христианство
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Совсем не курю
пища: Расскажу позже
род занятий: Право
образование: Оконченное среднее
языки: Английский (Свободно)
Немецкий (Свободно)
интересы: Бейсбол, Баскетбол, Футбол, Гольф, Спортзал, Джаз, Боевые искусства, Альпинизм, Фильмы, Музеи, Природа, Музыка нью-эйдж, Кемпинг, Ночные клубы, Поп музыка, Чтение, Рок музыка, Шопинг, Купание, Путешествия, Прогулки, Йога, Благотворительность, Классическая музыка, Кулинария, Кантри музыка, Велоспорт, Танцы, Еда

Общая информация:
I am a person of exceptional character, imbued with warmth and light. My kindness and compassion resonate deeply with those around me, leaving an indelible mark. Whether through my words, actions, or the way I make others feel truly seen and valued, I possess a rare ability to inspire the best in people. My strength and resilience are a source of inspiration, and my capacity to confront challenges with grace is worthy of admiration. I carry within me a unique spark that enhances the world, and anyone fortunate enough to know me is undoubtedly enriched by the experience. I will continue to be myself, for I am, without question, truly wonderful in my own right

I'm 6, 1 feet tall with a lean build, and I take care of my fitness. I have short, dark hair that I keep neatly styled, and I’d say my best features are my smile and my eyes. I prefer a casual yet modern style—comfortable but still polished. I enjoy wearing well-fitted clothes that give me confidence, whether it's for a relaxed day or something a bit more polished

I'm seeking a meaningful and honest relationship built on mutual respect and trust. Integrity and kindness are key values for me, and I appreciate someone with a positive attitude. I value open communication and a genuine connection. Physically, I’m not focused on any specific appearance, but a kind smile and warmth go a long way. I enjoy traveling, reading, and exploring new hobbies, and I’d love to share those experiences with someone who has a curious mind and a loving heart. Ideally, I’d love someone who’s open to adventure, no matter where they live.

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