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просмотрели за месяц: 7
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Я: 40-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Стрелец Стрелец
нахожусь: Soroti, Уганда
ищу: 37 - 60-летнего мужчину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
раса: Африканец
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Чёрный
цвет волос: Чёрный
телосложение: Стройное
рост: 5' 7'' (170см)
религия: Христианство
выпивка: Не пью
курение: Не курю
пища: Не вегетарианец
род занятий: Информационные технологии/Коммуникации
Research and writing
образование: Закончил колледж
языки: Английский (Свободно)
Французский (Минимально)
интересы: Искусство, Баскетбол, Рыбалка, Еда, Футбол, Садоводство, Гольф, Охота, Литература, Фильмы, Музеи, Природа, Кемпинг, Чтение, Шопинг, Путешествия, Прогулки, Йога, Благотворительность, Христианская музыка, Классическая музыка, Компьютеры, Кулинария, Кантри музыка, Танцевальная музыка

Общая информация:
I am philosophical, adventurous, creative, caring and compassionate. I am passionate about the relationship between information, technologies, and social justice in terms of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), especially as it relates to transforming girls and women in rural and remote areas. My challenge; Digitally, natives in remote areas lack multimedia or digital tools for self education and skilling plus connecting with the rest of the world given this trying moments of the ongoing pandemic. Meaning; Technology and communications go hand in hand. And when you know how your audience communicates, you can connect with them in the way they prefer. Another challenge is making information available to change lives! There's need to establish information and library centers in remote areas to enable natives to express themselves in their native languages. Then their stories or needs are translated and disseminated to diverse stakeholders globally. Therefore, facilitating communication and information initiatives helps tackle injustice education, health, agriculture, agribusiness, and much more. I love eating poultry meat, animal meat, sea foods (fresh and smoked), vegetables/herbs, millet bread, posho, potatoes, pumpkins, fruits and open to any healthy diet adventures.

5. 7 cm, black natural hair and slim. My best body features are my legs, nails and hair. I dress depending on the daily activities.

I like to make friends with good personalities and genuine people. I love quite, peaceful and organised environment surrounded with nature. I am from a pastoralist community(Atesot by tribe) and value culture. Professionally, I am an Information Technology graduate still seeking for personal and professional development. Meanwhile, I am an independent researcher and writer. So far, I have only published one book: Farmers' needs, but my dream is to be making information available to bring about social change to solve the diverse communal crisis. But an even bigger dream is to have a FAMILY and TEAM. I am looking for specifically a man just as respectful, straight, enthusiastic, resilient, adventurous, ambitious, caring, compassionate, adaptive, thoughtful and kind as me to build life and to start a family with, as well as a deep conversation friend and long-term soulmate. ’ Positivity is always more attractive.

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