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Я: 35-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Телец Телец
нахожусь: Болонья, Италия
ищу: 46 - 52-летнего мужчину
для: Длительные отношения
раса: Другая
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Чёрный
цвет волос: Светло-коричневый
телосложение: Худое
рост: 5' 6'' (168см)
религия: Христианство / Католик
выпивка: Не пью
курение: Совсем не курю
пища: Расскажу позже
род занятий: Финансовые услуги
образование: Закончил колледж
языки: Английский (Разговорный и письменный)
Итальянский (Разговорный и письменный)
Французский (Немного)
интересы: Христианская музыка, Гольф, Пение, Прогулки

Общая информация:
I am a Christian single with no kids, looking to start a new chapter in my life. The Word of God is my roadmap and while I won't say that I have always followed it, the truths in it form my family's world view all the same, including how we are to act and how we are to treat others, being of one blood in creation. I am praying for a Bible-believing, non-divorced, Christian man of any ethnicity that is intelligent, energetic, patient, compassionate, kind, and funny and resides in the any part of the world. I'm faithful for a man that loves children, and is willing, and capable, to have an instant family, investing in them, and be a Godly example of manhood, especially for my future children that are not yet born. I do not drink or smoke and looking for someone that does not as well.

I am 168 tall in height, i am slim but very active and hard working, has a long hair and it's natural give to be by God.

I believe that the Lord placed my ex late boyfriend in my life, and if He should be willing, I need to see if He has someone, not to replace a vacancy, but with which to start building a uniquely new thing, with new memories, and share the joys and sadness of life for the years ahead. I believe that a marriage is a true partnership, one that blesses and strengthens each spouse with the skills and talents of each, one that fills in the gaps for the betterment of each.

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