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Я: 37-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Скорпион Скорпион
нахожусь: McAllen, Техас, США
ищу: 47 - 89-летнего мужчину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
Совместный досуг
Партнер для путешествий
раса: Другая
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Голубой
цвет волос: Рыжий
телосложение: Пригодное
рост: 5' 5'' (165см)
религия: Христианство / Католик
выпивка: Не пью
курение: Не курю
пища: Не вегетарианец
род занятий: Медицина и здравоохранение
образование: Закончил колледж
языки: Турецкий (Родной)
интересы: Рыбалка, Спортзал, Шопинг

Общая информация:
I want to meet the love of my life, hope that I can meet a man here and build a strong and friendly family with him in the future. Sometimes I dream about my future life. I wish to give my man by blessings of true love and mutual understanding, tenderness and mutual admiration. I am a pretty, honest and bright girl. For my long-term relation I could be charming and friendly, funny and serious. I love my profession but family means a lot to me too. But I treat other people just as well, and at every opportunity I try to help the disadvantaged. I am an Orthodox Christian, but not a fanatic, it just helps me to answer some of the questions life brings.

I am looking for a confident man with a wide and kind smile. Who would take care of me and give me his support in the hard times. I will do the same in return. I need a kind man, who will never betray. I want to spend with my man a long, colorful and happy life together! As I wrote before, you should be responsible for your acts and always keep your words. I am not young girl or a little princess but I want that my life was full of surprises and bright moments.

I am looking for a confident man with a wide and kind smile. Who would take care of me and give me his support in the hard times. I will do the same in return. I need a kind man, who will never betray. I want to spend with my man a long, colorful and happy life together! As I wrote before, you should be responsible for your acts and always keep your words. I am not young girl or a little princess but I want that my life was full of surprises and bright moments.

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