
(Был на сайте 3 недели назад)

просмотрели за месяц: 1
добавили в избранные: 1

Я: 45-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Стрелец Стрелец
нахожусь: Hall Beach, Северо-Западные территории, Канада
ищу: 50 - 98-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
БДСМ (связывание, подчинение, садо-мазо)
раса: Испанец/Латино
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: 1
цвет глаз: Коричневый
цвет волос: Чёрный
телосложение: Стройное
рост: 5' 5'' (165см)
религия: Христианство / Католик
выпивка: Не пью
курение: Не курю
пища: Расскажу позже
род занятий: Свободный художник/Артист
образование: Неоконченное высшее
языки: Английский (Родной)
интересы: Искусство, Астрология, Садоводство, Гольф, Охота, Фильмы, Музеи, Природа, Политика, Религия, Шопинг, Пение, Кемпинг, Путешествия, Прогулки, Автомобили, Благотворительность, Христианская музыка, Кулинария, Кантри музыка, Танцевальная музыка, Еда

Общая информация:
Talking about my self, I love friends and family, I am a fun person and make friends easily. I love life, love my family and still have some love to share with a special man. Life can be lonely without someone... I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and its' issues. Am honest, kind caring, affectionate, good sense of humor, easy going, free thinker, trustworthy and respect the lives of other people..... I'm a man who lives life as it comes to me. I don't worry about tomorrow, for it will be here no matter what I do. The best days of my life are yet to come and i am looking for someone who will love and care about me for a long time relationship that can lead to marriage. Although I would consider myself be a romantic, I don't believe that life is about the 'grand passion. ' In reality it is more about comfortable comrade

I am vulnerable about my exterior appearance, about my body. I do not like when you compliment me about my aspect with jokes. I like and sometimes even prefer a stranger's compliment when it is said appropriately. I like when you surprise me with your compliments. Being surprised is like feeling there is something new, novel. I appreciate constructive suggestions, for example about the way I dress, but I do not like when you joke about it. If there is something you do not like, for example my new lipstick, tell it with courtesy, and buy me another one without letting me know

I am Looking for someone who know how to treat a man like the way man need to be treated, respectful, love kids and family, very kind and communicative, have a good sense of humor, someone who will be there for me when i need his help/supportive, share ideas together as husband and wife as am ready for that, Who know's u are my match.. and what is your idea match

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