
(Был на сайте более чем 3 месяца назад)

просмотрели за месяц: 0
добавили в избранные: 6

Я: 68-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Телец Телец
нахожусь: Атланта, Джорджия, США
ищу: 60 - 85-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
раса: Смешанная
семья: Вдова
дети: 2
цвет глаз: Карий
цвет волос: Другой
телосложение: Пригодное
рост: 5' 10'' (178см)
религия: Мистицизм
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Не курю
пища: Не вегетарианец
род занятий: Свободный художник/Артист
образование: Закончил колледж
языки: Английский (Родной)
интересы: Искусство, Кулинария, Кантри музыка, Рыбалка, Еда, Садоводство, Гольф, Джаз, Природа, Чтение

Общая информация:
xploring the world of online dating is a daunting task, especially for those of us newly single. I applaud the W's who are ready and willing for new love. I would just advise to really spent time alone so you just aren't trying to fill the loneliness. It can get complicated very quickly when you date and then realize you have feelings of guilt, or an inability to really put yourself completely at risk in opening up your heart to someone new.

I'm looking for first off my best friend, then a growing, caring, trusting relationship that may turn into the love of my life. Still hopeful that can happen, I have a strong faith in God and looking for someone with similar beliefs and values; maybe has learned a few lessons in life that has made them the person they are today( hopefully for the better). I would love to travel more( so much to see) and share those experiences with someone I deeply care about. Through the good and not so good, a true companion that sticks by you. That's about all you need.

Looking for a caring genuine person who communicates honestly and openly. Who is independently happy and centered without being too self-absorbed. An emotionally courageous person not afraid to open up and allow a relationship to develop over time. kindness and caring is essential. I'm looking for someone who is warm and fun loving and yet is driven by some passion to succeed be it professional or personal goals. Adventurous travel spirit willing to travel to other countries; someone who takes pride in their overall health, appearance and fitness.

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