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просмотрели за месяц: 5
добавили в избранные: 26

Я: 50-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Близнецы Близнецы
нахожусь: Taiyuan, Китай
ищу: 42 - 106-летнего мужчину
для: Брак
Длительные отношения
раса: Азиат
семья: В разводе
дети: 1
цвет глаз: Коричневый
цвет волос: Чёрный
телосложение: Среднее
рост: 5' 4'' (163см)
религия: Нерелигиозен
выпивка: Не пью
курение: Не курю
пища: Не вегетарианец
род занятий: Наука и образование
образование: Неоконченное высшее
языки: Китайский (Родной)
Английский (Разговорный и письменный)
интересы: Атлетика, Автомобили, Садоводство, Гольф, Джаз, Латиноамериканская музыка, Литература, Альпинизм, Фильмы, Природа, Музыка нью-эйдж, Поп музыка, Благотворительность, Рэр музыка, Чтение, Рок музыка, Шопинг, Пение, Купание, Театр, Путешествия, Прогулки, Этническая музыка, Классическая музыка, Йога, Кулинария, Кантри музыка, Велоспорт, Танцевальная музыка, Танцы, Еда

Общая информация:
My name is Eliza and 49 years old. I am Chinese and live in Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province, China. I work in a software company as a sales manager. I am divorced and have an only son who is in master school and will study there for two more years. He is very good and I am proud of him. My father has past away years ago, my mom is 80 years old and very healthy, I hope she will live a very long life. I have Travelled to many many cities in the country. I expect that I can view more places out of country. I like reading, traveling, all kinds of music, swimming, walking, singing, dancing and charity. My son and I always feed stray dogs and cats in streets, but now I cannot see stray animals anymore. We also always give beggars changes once I meet them. I can say we never miss a chance to give them a hand.

My weight is 56kg and my height is 5 feet 4inches. My hair is a little curly and black. My friends say I am beautiful and sexy, I think my best features are kindhearted and honest. My clothing style is conservative and casual mostly, but modern occasionally.

I am looking for marriage. I want a person who is honest and responsible, I don’t care where he lives, maybe America or Australia or Europe, but not black man. If you are black, please don’t say hi to me. I hope I can spend my life time with my soulmate and love to share many many things such like swimming, traveling, music, singing, shopping, walking, nature... Those are fantastic things.

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