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Я: 62-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Весы Весы
нахожусь: Bridgeview, Иллинойс, США
ищу: 28 - 48-летнюю женщину
для: Брак
раса: Европеоидная
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Голубой
цвет волос: Чёрный
телосложение: Пригодное
рост: 6' 2'' (188см)
религия: Христианство
выпивка: Не пью
курение: Не курю
пища: Вегетарианец
род занятий: Свободный художник/Артист
образование: Закончил колледж
языки: Английский (Родной)
интересы: Поп музыка, Природа, Пение, Театр
the zoo, and celtic woman songs

Общая информация:
I own a natural medical health care business. I enjoy working it very much. I going to the zoo, nature, the beach, the woods and a nice picnic, with a loving and caring woman. I especially love celtic woman girls and there music and shows. I like relaxing to a good movie or a tv show. I enjoy having a nice dinner. I was born and raised, in the Chicago area. I don't travel a lot, but I like to go to, fun places. I am very easy going.

I'm 6' 2", I weigh 200lbs. I'm in good health, in general. I have black hair and blue eyes. Sometimes I shave, sometimes I don't. I dress conservatively, but sometimes I dress nicely for a play.

I would like a nice one on one marriage to a, loving sweet, woman. I would like an honest, trusting, nice good woman to love and make memory's with. I like to hug, kiss, and holding hands, with a loving and sweet wife. I would like a nice little home, with a loving and caring, woman. Children and pets, if she wants. I look forward to celebrating the holidays with, the dream woman. I think a loving family is the best.

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