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Я: 36-летняя женщина
знак зодиака: Близнецы Близнецы
нахожусь: Ганновер, Германия
ищу: 27 - 47-летнего мужчину
дети: Нет
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Lu_action has visited 6 places.
Прага, Чехия @ Europe Pension (travel) 2009-02-14
Its very beautiful country...I liked it most of all. So beautiful architecture, so kind people, helpful. they talk all language...I liked underground there and buses:) Food is not bad, guys will like beer:) Girls will like christal gifts...
Мадрид, Испания @ Tijcal 2 2009-02-11
Madrid is specific city. Its hard to be there not knowing spanish good. People always pay attention on u:) I lived in the centre of city and i always go for a walk on Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, Toledo...In general, 3 days are not enough to enjoy this city, I liked it...but ppl should be more friedly to english- speaking persons...
Москва, Россия @ Hotel "Tourist" (travel) 2007-08-03
Moskow is very fashionable city. It's the heart of Russia. There are so many people of different nationalities in Moskow. There are many historical sightseen in Moskow. I spent nice week there and even took part in weeding ceremony:)
Хамельн, Германия (travel) 2006-07-15
it's the nice country, but with the specific rules. I liked to go shoping there. I met so many russian people there, so it was not borring there.
Санкт Петербург, Россия @ Viborgskaya Hotel (travel) 2005-07-15
I consider it's the best city, which i have ever seen. I was in summer here, the weather was super, there were white nights, so romantic. People are so fashionable (especially boys:)). I had nice time there.
Запоріжжя Запорожье, Украина 1988-06-12
I was born in this sity and live here. It's avarage ukrainian city. It is situated in the South of Ukraine. It has Azov see here and its very nice to rest here in summer. Actually its industrial city and ecological situation here is not so good as wanted (dirty air). But my city is very famous due to his history, Zaporis'ka Sich and island Khortica.

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