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Я: 42-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Овен Овен
нахожусь: Cape Coral, Флорида, США
ищу: 25 - 39-летнюю женщину
дети: Нет
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Gary4 has visited 30 places.
Рейкьявик, Исландия @ Iceland (Good times!) 2008-12-31
Went for new years, it was the best ever! Lots of Fun and drinking and lamb eating! Blue Lagoon was awesome, drove the Golden Circle! Reykjavik is brilliant!
Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина @ Argentina-Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Ushuaia (Hanging out in South America) 2008-12-11
B.A.- Visited museums, Ate the best steaks in the world, drank a lot of wine. Got to get use to them eating dinner at like 11pm at nite and siestas are a pain...Saw a Boca football match, dont let you stuff get stolen there! Mendoza- lots of Extreme sports to do, Lots of wine vineyards to visit and drink at! Ushuaia- the southern most city on Earth, lots of hiking to do at Tierra Del Fuego Nat'l Park! Drank lots of wine and ate really good steaks and seafood!
Capitán Arturo Prat - permanent station of Chile, Антарктида @ Antarctica! (getting on my last continent!!) 2008-12-08
Flew down with a bunch of scientists on an Uruguayan Air Force cargo plane, walked around, saw penguins and seals!
Сантьяго, Чили @ Chile- Santiago and Punta Arenas (visiting my last 2 continents) 2008-12-04
Santiago is pretty cool, I watched a Colo-Colo football match, the stadium was great! Visited this church on top of a mountain, great views! Punta Arenas- Went down here to catch a flight to Antarctica, hung out for a few days, ate lots of Lamb, went to Torres Del Paine, probably the most beautiful settings i have ever seen!
Хельсинки, Финляндия @ Finland (forgetting about my ex!) 2008-09-11
Took a day trip from Tallinn with my italian travel friend Luca Martoni. Saw all the sites, ate reindeer and the best salmon ever!
Таллин, Эстония @ Estonia (forgetting about my ex!) 2008-09-08
What a great city,i am debating going and staying a month there next time, i stayed at the Hostel with no name, had a blast! The Beerhaus is awesome, eat deep fried pigs ear and deep friend black bread along with a litre of beer!
Рига, Латвия @ latvia (forgetting about my ex!) 2008-09-04
Riga is a great city! Easy to walk around, stay at friendly franks fun backpacking hostel, its a blast. I miss my Russian guide Margo!
Вильнюс, Литва @ Lithuania, Vilnius and Trakkai (forgetting about my ex!) 2008-09-01
Vilnius is great party at Brodvejus! lots of sites to see, really enjoyed it! Go to Trakkai and see the castle in the middle of a lake! there is an awesome cafe on the main street that makes its own chocloate!!!
Варшава, Польша @ Poland (forgetting about my ex!) 2008-08-27
Awesome city, walked around old town and new town, had a blast at the nite clubs with my 3 french friends!
Берлин, Германия @ Germany (forgetting about my ex!) 2008-08-18
Berlin is great, its a huge city! Take the free walking tour! Go to Bradenburg Square, see the Reichstag, do a pub crawl!
Guatemala, Гватемала @ Guatemala city (Family) 2006-08-07
My mother is from there, i have been there 3 times, so many sites to see, Tikal is awesome, so is Atitlan and Antigua! You could stay busy in this country for a month straight!
Innsbruck, Австрия @ Austria (Driving thru to Italy) 2005-08-10
Stopped for a break in Innsbruck, Lots of mountains and castles, would like to go back and spend more time!
Sighişoara, Румыния @ Romania (packing Europe) 2005-08-07
went to the town Vlad Tepice was born in, ate at his house, did some site seeing, it was pretty hot there!
Будапешт, Венгрия @ Hungary (packing Europe) 2005-08-04
stayed in Buda, by the gellert hotel, the Turkish baths are awesome! Ate a lot, drank alot, and danced all nite!
Братислава, Словакия @ Slovakia (packing Europe) 2005-08-01
went to the museums, watched a football match where Slovan Bratislava killed Celtic 6-0!
Корк, Ирландия @ Ireland (packing Europe) 2005-07-08
Stayed for a week, went to Blarney Castle kissed the stone, and went to Kerry and Kinsail! I hung out at the LV in Cork mainly and miss my friends Milo and Kai!
Лондон, Великобритания @ London (packing Europe) 2005-06-24
great city, was there for only 3 days, VIctoria station was bombed on my last day, i was 400m from it! Drank a lot of Guinness, listened to a lot of Duran Duran!
Прага, Чехия @ Prague, Brno, Kutna Hora, Cesky Krumlov, Karlovy Vary, Moravian Carsks (packing Europe) 2005-06-19
My favorite country in the world, I have been there 3 times, plan on spending a month there this october! Prague is Beautiful, and lot of fun!
Венеция, Италия @ Verona, Venice, Rome! (Packing Europe) 2005-06-13
Verona-City of Romeo and Juliette, has an awesome Pink marble coliseum, stayed at the Hotel Elephante, awesome dinner there, get the balsamic steak!!!! Venice- Awesome City, just relaxing and enjoying the views! St. Marco's square is where to see everything! Rome- Stayed at the Camping Village Roma, great times, parties everynite! Saw the Coliseum, walked around ancient Rome, went to the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel is beatuiful, thank god for Michelangelo!
Мюнхен, Германия @ Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich (Packing Europe) 2005-06-06
Went to the Hofbrahaus in Munich, drank liters of beer, rented an Audi and drove on the Autobahn.
Багдад, Ирак @ All Iraq (Invasion!) 2003-03-01
Seemed like a cool country with a lot of history. Saw the most beautiful sunset there, Got to Baghdad on my 21st birthday!
Tijuana, Мексика @ Tijuana (Took a vacation while in the Marines) 2002-10-02
Lots of drinking, lots of partying and lots of corrupt cops!
Jibūti, Джибути @ stayed at an army camp (Marines port stop) 2002-09-01
Was there for 3 days, it is hell on Earth weather wise... Desert, hot and humid...Avoid at all costs
Кувейт, Кувейт @ Camp Doha (Training) 2002-08-20
Cool looking city, they have a Harley Davidson shop, thats all i really remember, i was training out in the desert, not much fun...
Амман, Иордан @ Main Port (Marines port stop) 2002-08-12
I went to Petra, it was brilliant, played football in a warehouse and got cheap beer
Манама, Бахрейн @ the main city? (Marines port stop) 2002-08-07
I had a pretty fun time, very westernized, lots of English Pubs, and an English band called the SuperKats know how to have a good time!
Сингапур, Сингапур @ the city (Marine Port stop) 2002-07-31
very clean city, they have a Red Devil bar which is owned by Manchester United football club, it was great, check out Ye old English Pub, try pulling Excalibur from its stone just like king Arthur, drink tiger beer its cheapest!
Anderson Air Force Base, Гуам @ Guam (marines port stop) 2002-07-29
Good beaches, hang out at the Hard Rock cafe, enjoy the karoake bars!
Pearl City, HI @ Wikiki (Marines port stop) 2002-07-09
Went surfing, drank a lot, danced a lot, lived it up a little!
Дарвин, Австралия @ Darwin (marines port stop) 2002-07-08
had 3 days to drink! Ate kangaroo! met girls from Denmark!

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