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FinnishChampion has visited 4 places.
(Travel) 2010-07-03
I left for a company for one of my friend, who is a bus driver, for a week. I have just finished working in artists security in rotuaari pickic-festival and actually just moved straight to the bus and go to the northern sea. The other group were some fishermans who go every year for a one week to fish in Alta. There I was then and I had also my festival bike with me and I biking down the Altas streets and look like a rock-star, cause I have only my festival bag with me, but I enjoy it...maybe someday I go there and have some rock-gig in some festival or restaurant...who knows...and the bus company was rennot reissut (relaxing travels)
(Travel) 2003-03-05
My mother and my sister were with this travel. We go to one trip on a desert by the locals. There was one old landownwer who try to buy my mother to his fiance and offer me 30.000 camels...hmm...how can I get those camels on the plane I think...and to finland...but thats a joke, I dont sell my mother for any price... and so the camels left on the Saharian desert
(Work) 2002-11-11
There was a time when it was quite cold in finland at the springtime and I wanted to go some place warm. Yes there was warm in Chania...one day...I bought firstly warm shirt when I landed in chania...but the trip was good altough...I enjoy it all the way besides it was quite cold place at the moment