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(Был на сайте сегодня)

просмотрели за месяц: 36
добавили в избранные: 0

Я: 38-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Козерог Козерог
нахожусь: Стамбул, Турция
ищу: 18 - 58-летнюю женщину
для: Дружба
Друзья по переписке
Совместный досуг
Партнер для путешествий
раса: Европеоидная
семья: Холост - в браке не был
дети: Нет
цвет глаз: Коричневый
цвет волос: Лысый
телосложение: Среднее
рост: 5' 11'' (180см)
религия: Ислам
выпивка: Иногда выпиваю
курение: Не курю
пища: Не вегетарианец
род занятий: Другое
образование: Расскажу позже
языки: Английский (Разговорный и письменный)
интересы: Еда, Футбол, Фильмы, Природа, Путешествия

Общая информация:
Hello to all of you honorable ladies in this site. I am a member of this site for more than 15 years and I had a lot of wonderful friendships in this period. I am never married and i have no children. I work for 6 days in a week, so i cannot find enough time to be socialized. I know English, i am graduated Bachelor degree. I live with my parents (they are old), but i have my own apartment. (It is rented to tentands, but i can move when i want. ) I like sea and sun (like most of you), but i like winter too. I have a calm and peaceful character. I don't like conflicts. I don't rise my voice to anyone. Calm communication is the key for me

I think photos tell everything.

Actually i am not sure what i am looking for, but i am sure that i feel lonely. As i said in the general information, I had a lot of wonderful international friendships in here, but everyone went back to live their life in the end of the day naturally. I love knowing new people, i love meeting with them face to face. I hope that i can find good, trustful, calm, peaceful and funny travel partners again. It is up to you, send me an instant massage; )

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