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Я: 41-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Стрелец Стрелец
нахожусь: Banbury, Испания
ищу: 26 - 43-летнюю женщину
дети: Нет
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Catalanguy has visited 32 places.
Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина (travel) 2009-08-20
Милан, Италия (holiday travel) 2009-03-20
Il Duomo is fantastic
Лиссабон, Португалия (to see a friend) 2008-09-11
Шанхай, Китай (business travel) 2008-03-13
Брюссель, Бельгия (travel) 2007-12-08
Афины, Греция (business travel) 2007-09-19
Берген, Норвегия (holiday travel) 2007-08-15
the Bergen's market is very beautiful. After Bergen, I went to North Kapp, the last European place befor north pole
Higüey, Доминиканская Республика (holiday travel) 2007-07-27
incredible holidays in Punta Cana, paradise, beaches, perfect to disconnect of the work
Лондон, Великобритания (holiday travel) 2006-12-23
very good nightlife!
Санкт Петербург, Россия (holiday travel) 2006-08-23
very beautiful palaces
Стокгольм, Швеция (holiday travel, and business travel in ) 2006-08-20
Копенгаген, Дания (holiday travel, and business travel in ) 2006-08-18
Хельсинки, Финляндия (holiday travel, and business travel in ) 2006-08-18
Таллин, Эстония (holiday travel, and business travel in ) 2006-08-17
Рига, Латвия (holiday travel, and business travel in ) 2006-08-11
Клайпеда, Литва (holiday travel) 2006-08-09
Росток, Германия (holiday travel) 2006-08-05
Miami Beach, FL (some holiday break) 2006-03-13
very beautiful beaches. the nightlife is incredible!!
Нью-Йорк, NY (holiday travel) 2006-02-10
I visited it during my American studies. It is the most surprising city Ive ever been. I felt like an ant! every building is so big!
Балтимор, MD (studies) 2006-01-23
I made a post-graduate in International Business after the university
Playa del Carmen, Мексика (university class travel) 2005-03-10
Женева, Швейцария (ski travel) 2004-12-08
we go from Geneva to ski to Tignes (France). I think one of the best places to ski or snowboardering
Палермо, Италия (holiday travel) 2004-04-11
the best was to see Ethna volcano and the cementery of the Capuccinos, where the death people is exposed and you can see them physically
Nairobi, Кения (holiday travel) 2003-08-15
I made a Safari thru Massai Mara! incredible! it is very curious to see that the water turn in the opposite side than the north emisphere, when it fall in a hole. if you are just in the equator, water falls straight
Sinnūris, Египет (travel) 2002-08-05
just one night in Sharm el Sheik
Spanish Town, Ямайка (holiday travel) 2001-08-06
it is the paradise, very beautiful beaches with the palms
Париж, Франция (holiday travel) 2000-04-12
Амстердам, Нидерланды (holiday travel) 1999-12-08
Port-au-Prince, Гаити (holiday travel) 1999-08-06
Джорджтаун, Каймановы Острова (travel) 1998-08-05
Амман, Иордан (holiday travel) 1997-08-15
the best was to see Petra! the Nabateans old kingdom! all the buildings are sculp in the rock. I swam in the death see, where you can not dive, I took a nap on the water! it was fantastic!
Орландо, FL (holiday travel) 1995-08-15
very funny the Theme Parks! Universal, Disney world, etc...

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