photo_1 A windy day on the Great Wall in China. 10,000 islands Florida Everglades white shirt green shirt best friend Rosate spoonbills Sun Valley Idaho off the top of the mountain How many wings does that bird have? Canaveral National Sea Shore Florida Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming Gran Tetons National Park, Wyoming Glacier national Park, Montana
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Я: 69-летний мужчина
знак зодиака: Дева Дева
нахожусь: Орландо, Флорида, США
ищу: 42 - 55-летнюю женщину
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BillLivinez has visited 8 places.
Пекин, Китай @ many locations and cities (vacation) 2010-05-27
I could live in Beijing it is a very modern and civilized city.
San Juan, Пуэрто Рико @ hotel on the beach (work and play) 2000-06-01
I spent 2 1/2 months in San Juan in and . This trip I really enjoyed. I drove around the entire island Puerto Rico is a great place to visit.
San Cristóbal, Доминиканская Республика @ Casa de Campo (work and play) 2000-05-01
I had a lot of down time here. I stayed in the town closest to Casa de Campo. I was one of the very few Anglos in this town and the only one in my hotel. Casa de Campo is beautiful but the rest of the area is very poor.
Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина (pleasure) 1998-09-25
Beautiful city it appears to be what I imagine European cities to look like.
Cusco, Перу @ visited Peru 2 times (Mauchu Pichu, one end of the country to the other) 1996-08-16
Peru is not beautiful along the coast is mostly desert but inland the mountains are incredible. Cusco / Machu Pichu is unbelievable.
Panamá, Панама @ Panama City (work and play) 1984-06-01
Panama City was the first out of the country trip I took for the German company I used to work for. I have a lot of stories about Panama. Some of those stories I can tell and some maybe not.
Caracas, Венесуэла @ many locations (work and play) 1984-01-01
I made many trips here over a period of about 15 years. I worked in a very beautiful part of Caracas. I am not sure I would want to go back there today.
Nassau, Багамские Острова @ don't remember (work and play) 1975-01-01
I traveled to the Bahamas many times over the years between and . Most of the trip was for work, but even when on a work trip there was plenty of time for play.

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