Антигуа и Барбуда Travel Information
What our users say about traveling in Антигуа и Барбуда. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.
Member6549339 visited
English Harbour on 2017-01-12 and has this to say:
nice island, nice poeple
herbypang visited
Saint John's on 2007-12-20 and has this to say:
herbypang visited
Saint John's on 2007-08-09 and has this to say:
AnnaCarolina visited
English Harbour on 2007-03-27 and has this to say:
Was a lot of fun at the cricket stadium in Australian and English team game!!!
mistygirl123 visited
English Harbour on 2000-02-01 and has this to say:
Sailed around the Carribean for a month in .
jsportz visited
English Harbour on 1998-09-15 and has this to say:
Hurricane George hit the Isl
Longer stay then anticipated